Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Post No. 1 Autobiography

Hi, I’m Álvaro Rojas Caamaño. I was born and raised in Santiago, Chile and I’m going to talk about myself.

                I am 18 years old, and I live with my elder brother, my twin brother, and my parents. I’ve been living in Santiago since I was bron, but when I was between 4 and 12 years old we would often visit my grand mother in Curicó, where I could also see my cousisns and my uncles and aunts.

                When I was a little kid I went to the school Francisco de Miranda, where I made Friends for the first time. I went to that school unitl 6th grade but my parents started to dislike the school because it was not what they expected for my education so they decided to move me from that school to a  better one. This one was called La Fontaine, where I arrived at 7th grade. It was a surprise to find out that in that class  me and my brother were not the only twins, but there were also 2 other pair of twins!

                It was in this school where I graduated, but it was also the place where I could do my hobbies, such as playing football in the baby football work-shop and practicing english in the english work-shop, that was very special for me, since just like in the university, spanish was forviden and it was pretty fun. It was in that work-shop where I met the love of my life, Amira, that is now my girlfriend.                So.. Sadly, now I'll have to end the post because there's not much left to talk about me, I hope you liked it and we'll see in the next post. Goodbye!

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