Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Blog Post No. 4 and 5 Health in Chile

                The chilean health care system has proven to be one of the most efficient in the world.

                There is a variety of ways to get access to a medical insurance. People can choose between the private or the public plan. To opt for the private service (which are called Isapres in Chile), a person has to prove that earns more than a million pesos a month. For the people that earns less than that, Fonasa it's their choise. The Fonasa's medical care system have several categories starting from range A (people without resourses) to D (people with the highest co-payments) and a last one called "libre elección" that is for people who want to be able to get a private health care system. So people has a pretty big selection from where to choose a medical system.

                The effectiveness of the chilean health program is related to the priorities of the government. It exists a regulation that states that about 80 different medical procedures are completly paid by the government. That regulation includes over 56 different illnesses. Some of them are several types of cancers, HIV, kidney failures, etc. Being all of these deseases, the ones with the biggest impact in the chilean society. So thanks to the emphasis put by the regency, the chilean health care has shown to be very virtuous.

                One of the most recognized medical systems in the world is the chilean health program.

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